Category Archives: Care and Maintenance
Tips for Driving Large Vehicles Safely in Winter
Stay safe on the road this winter! Here are some tips from the team at your local MA tire shop to help navigate slippery conditions in a large vehicle.
Systems Working Together: Indirect TPMS
Most vehicles have an indirect TMPS, which means the TPMS relies on information from other systems to monitor the tire pressure.
MA Tire Shop: Why Switching out Winter Tires is Crucial
Warmer weather is finally here. We’re giving you four reasons to switch out your winter tires for summer tires this season.
Get Ready for Spring with MA Truck Repair
Winter can be harsh on trucks and other vehicles, especially those that are part of a fleet. The combination of freezing temperatures, snow, and ice can take a toll on various parts of a vehicle.
Stick to Your Auto Repair Schedule
The best way to keep your car or truck on the road for as long as possible is to keep up with the auto repair schedule.
Keep Your Fleet on the Road with Truck Repair in MA
Keeping your fleet of trucks on the road is essential to your business. Luckily, truck repair in MA is our business at Framingham Tire!
Tires MA: Why Are My Tires Wearing Unevenly?
Have you noticed uneven wear to your tires? Here are the problems that cause uneven tire wear. Get new tires in MA from Framingham Tire!
Auto Repair MA: Repairing Bent Rims
What do you do if you have a bent wheel rim? That’s one of our specialties for auto repair in MA at Framingham Tires; here’s how we fix it.
MA Auto Repair: Get Better Gas Mileage This Summer
We all have one eye on gas prices this summer. Here are some tips for MA auto repair experts to help you drive efficiently this summer.
Fleet Services MA: Three Tips To Ensure Your Fleet Tires Last Longer
Fleet Services include a lot more than just an oil change! Today, we’re giving a few tips on making your fleet tires last longer.